About Me (The Short Version)
I was a competitive gymnast until I was 17. I’d all but left movement behind when in my mid-twenties a very smart friend bought me a flying trapeze class and circus slowly started to take over my life. In 2014 I abandoned my “normal” life for full time circus training and never looked back.
I was a gymnastics coach long before I started circus, so my transition into coaching circus in 2015 was easy. Over the years I became just as interested in how bodies work as I was in how tricks work, so in 2022 I took the leap to broaden my movement coaching career and became a personal trainer. It quickly became clear that I had a niche: I love working with hypermobile and neurodivergent folks! I’d spent years trying to understand my own hypermobile body and neurodivergent brain and I am extremely passionate about helping others like me.
... but how'd I really get here?
In the winter of 2018, I found myself sitting on the couch at the circus school where I was in my third year of professional training, crying, saying to one of my friends, “this can’t be right.” There hadn’t been a moment since I’d started training circus seriously five years earlier that I hadn’t been in pain. I felt like my insides were grinding together, and nobody I’d gone to for help had ever been all that helpful. Not doctors, not physical therapists, not the surgeon who put three anchors in my shoulder the year before.
Today, I’m 100% pain free! Just kidding. That’s not how that works. But today, I do feel better than I’ve ever felt before. So, how did I get here? I found practitioners who believed me when I described my experience in my body. I got curious about anatomy and the nervous system. I learned to take my hypermobility, mental health, and neurodivergence seriously. I rested when I needed to rest. I started to learn to listen to and translate the signals my body was sending me.
I know my story isn’t your story and coaching isn’t about me. I am telling my story because my journey has turned me into a coach who believes your instincts and your body’s intuition. My story has turned me into a coach who believes we need to leave space for your full human-ness. My story has turned me into a coach who knows that there is more than one way to accomplish a goal. My story has turned me into a coach who is genuinely curious about your experience in your body.
Your relationship with your body can be life changing and I’d welcome the privilege to be part of your journey.